Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Library Training for Researchers

The Library is offering the following training sessions this semester for researchers. All sessions take place in the Headington library Training Room 12.00 - 13.00. There is no need to book.

Information at your desktop: finding your way around the Electronic Library
This session provides details of the range of electronic resources available at your desktop, including journals, journal collections, databases and reference resources.
Thursday 21 February and Tuesday 26 February

Keeping up-to-date
Keep abreast of new research and development in your subject area: find out how to keep up-to-date with new publications in journals, books, conferences and more; track your research using the Web of Knowledge citation indexes. 
Tuesday 5 March and Monday 25 March

EndNote reference management service - we are offering two different sessions this semester:
Tuesday 12 March  - An introduction to the key features of EndNote X5.
Tuesday 26 March and Friday 19 April - EndNote drop-in sessions:  to help you with your EndNote (desktop or Web) questions and problems.  Bring along any queries you have and a copy of your EndNote library and associated Word documents - there will be an opportunity to do some practical work.
Please contact if you have any queries.