Thursday, 30 June 2011

Web of Knowledge update - new features and enhancements

Web of Knowledge version 5.3 will be launched on 17 July. This updated version will provide a number of new features and enhancements to the service. For example: there will be no stop words; you will be able to use the 'near' operator to search for words in close proximity to each other and thus focus your search; all results will be returned with no record limits.

The Web of Knowledge website: provides details of all the new features as well as a range of support documentation.

The library webpages at provide a basic guide to searching and details of features which are particularly useful for researchers.

Connected Histories - new online resource

Connected Histories is a new website which provides access to a number of digital resources related to early modern and nineteenth century Britain:

You can search across all resources by keyword, person or place. If you select 'more search options' you can combine your searches. You can also refine your search by material type or by the source.

Connected Histories includes the following sources: British History Online, Charles Booth Online, London Lives, Old Bailey Online,Parliamentary Papers, British Newspapers 1600-1900.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

VADS - the online resource for visual arts

VADS (Visual Arts Data Service) is a UK organisation that provides a huge range of digital images and other visual arts resources free and copyright cleared for use in UK higher and further education. You can search the indiviual collections that make up the service or search by keyword. The collections include material from a wide variety of sources, such as textiles, fashion, arts and craft but also contain the Women's Library suffrage collection and art and posters from the Imperial War Museum.
You can view the collections at