Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Calling all researchers: what are your views on open access?

RADAR (Research Archive and Digital Asset Repository) is conducting a survey to find out what you think about Open Access and how you use the Research Archive part of the repository.

Within the publicly available Research Archive, we aim to make available information about your publications and also the full text of the articles. This means that your research will be available on open access and visible to the everyone who is interested in it (this is subject to publishers' permissions).
Several universities throughout the UK are conducting the same survey, the results are to be collated by the Repositories Support Project to gain a better understanding of attitudes to Open Access within the United Kingdom.

The survey is anonymous and will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.You can complete the survey now by clicking on the link below:

For more information go to: http://www.brookes.ac.uk/go/radar. Thank you for your support

Thursday, 12 May 2011

ARTstor - new image database

The library has subscribed to ARTstor a new image database. ARTstor offers more than one million images covering a wide variety of subject areas, including art, architecture, history, religion, anthropology and literature. The database is particularly good for works in US collections. The images are high quality and may be viewed, printed or downloaded for reproduction in coursework, for classroom presentation, or in Brookes Virtual.

There are no restrictions about on campus access but off campus use is only possible after registering on campus. Further instructions on how to do this are given on the database web page - from the Library home page at http://www.brookes.ac.uk/library/ select Databases and select ARTstor from the A-Z list.

Vacation Loans

From Thursday 12th May both one and two week loans for research students (MPhil and Phd) and staff will be issued until Friday 23rd September. If another user reserves a book you have borrowed you will receive a recall for the item and the loan period will be reduced to 2 weeks from the date of the recall.