Friday, 25 February 2011

Getting Published - New session for all researchers Friday 4 March, 12.00 - 13.00 BG11 (Buckley Building)

Getting Published - New session for all researchers Friday 4 March, 12.00 - 13.00 BG11 (Buckley Building). Booking not required, just turn up!

Now that you have produced some research, how do you go about telling others and why? This is part of the Graduate School’s training events, and is aimed at all researchers at whatever stage they are at.

Helen Whittaker and Rowena Rouse from the Library will be giving this introductory talk which will cover :
  • the publishing process, (from talking to your supervisor to publishing in a peer reviewed journal)
  • the reasons for publishing
  • how to make your research more visible.

Please contact Helen Whittaker if you have any queries about the session.

Cambridge journals digital archive (full text) - a new addition to our eresources collection

Cambridge journals digital archive (full text) is a developing service consisting of full text articles from 171 journals published by Cambridge University Press, stretching back from 1827 through to approximately 1996. Titles are being added over time and some will not be available until August 2011.

New features on JSTOR - excellent for researchers

As many of you will be aware the library subscribes to JSTOR which consists of a huge range of journals, many full text, from the humanities, social sciences and sciences. JSTOR also contains 19th Century British Pamphlets, including Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection and Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection.
There are some new features on JSTOR which will help you keep up to date with your research. All you need to do is register for a MyJSTOR account - connect to JSTOR and select the MyJSTOR option. You can then:

  • Set up an alert and receive emails when new content is added to the database which matches your saved search terms

  • Set up Table of Contents (eTOC) email alerts - when viewing a journal article or list of volumes and issues, you have the option to track future additions to the journal contents in JSTOR with an "eTOC" (electronic table of contents) alert

  • Track citations - check the box next to the citation you want to track. You will receive an email message if another article cites the article you are tracking and is added to the JSTOR archive.

JSTOR is available from anywhere (Athens account needed for off campus access) from our list of databases at

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Training sessions for researchers

The library is running a range of training sessions this semester specifically for researchers, details below. All sessions are held in the Headington Library Training Room from 12.00 - 13.00. There is no need to book. Any queries, please contact

Information at your desktop : finding your way around the Electronic Library. Overview of the range of electronic resources available at your desktop, including journals, journal collections, databases and reference resources: Friday 18 February and Monday 7 March.

Keeping up to date : keep abreast of new research and development in your subject area: find out how to keep up-to-date with new publications in journals, books, conferences and more; track your research using the Web of Science citation indexes: Tuesday 1 March and Thursday 17 March.

Introduction to EndNote X3 : an introduction to the key features of this software, which helps you manage and use your references: Tuesday 8 March.

EndNote drop-in session : to help you with your EndNote (desktop or Web) questions and problems. Bring along any queries you have and a copy of your EndNote library and associated Word documents: Monday 21 March and Friday 1 April.